Plastic pallet price What should be paid attention to when using the pallet?

Plastic pallet Is one of the essential equipment in modern cargo transportation, its application is very widely used, a lot of goods in the transportation need its help, Plastic pallet price that it needs to pay attention to in the process of application?

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1, Plastic pallet can bear a certain weight of goods, but it is plastic after all, so it is strictly prohibited to throw it from the high air, to avoid the phenomenon of damage after landing.
2. In the application of the built-in steel pipe series Plastic pallet, please pay attention not to put it in a wet place to avoid the rust of the steel pipe affecting the application life of the product.
3. When storing Plastic pallet, we should also be careful not to put it in a place with strong sunlight to avoid provoking the aging of plastic and shorten the life of the application.
4. When placing the goods, the goods should also be placed on the Plastic pallet in an orderly manner. Pay attention not to pile them up centrally, and do not throw them eccentric, to avoid damage.
5, Plastic pallet in the forklift joint venture application, we should pay attention to the action force is not too big, and do not rush to change the Angle, and then lift the goods smoothly after changing the Angle.
6. When the goods are thrown on the Plastic pallet, they should also be applied in strict accordance with the carrying capacity of the tray. Do not throw too much and too heavy, so as to avoid the goods crushing of the tray and avoid the goods landing to the ground.

Post time: Jun-03-2023